MOSIP Platforms and Initiatives
Migration to 1.2
Managing Grants
ID issuance in Registration Client
Brownfield implementation
Tooling and manageability
Reference for making existing ID digital
Inclusion issues
Manual adjudication
Update and lost card flows
Packet prioritization
Resident Portal
Beta customer
Modular wallet compatible with OWF architecture
Cloud wallet
Reference integrations to other issuers
Issuance flow as per OpenID standard
USSD support
Biometric Authenticator
SIM based wallet
e-Signet integration
Voice authentication
Beta customer
VC support in e-Signet
Android APK
Reference integrations
Single window consent
Consent registry
Multiple issuers
Management of consent registry by end user
Custom handles
Compliance Tool Kit (CTK)
Testing kit for Android SBI
Testing kit for Adjudication
Testing kit for ABIS
Matcher SDK
Certificate Issuance
Security Testing
Capture Quality
Multi-language Support
Performance Testing
Spec Review * ABIS * Manual Adjudication * Manual Verification
Integration with multiple quality SDKs
Dockerize the DSL
Enhance the functional test rigs to reduce manual testing effort
Test Rig to handle upgrade flows
Increase the DSL coverage for production scenarios
Revamp old test rigs
Enhance the Mocks to simulate real time scenarios
Reduce test rig execution time (DSL)
Registration Processor Stage level verification of negative scenarios
UI automation for Resident Portal
* Face matcher SDK with Iris scan * Voice biometrics with * Integration with UPI
Android registration client for Ethiopia
Integrations * OpenCRVS (updated architecture) * Mojaloop (Identity mapper) * OpenG2P (Inji, e-Signet usage) * DHIS by CMU Showcases * GovStack * DCI * G2P Connect * MEC
SIMple ID: Using SIM as identity and integrate with USSD (Alan Turing)
Liveness: FP, Iris (IIITB / Community)
Making MOSIP’s analytics pipeline satisfy a formal differential privacy guarantee- Metrics Report (CMU Africa)
Assisting Countries with USSD integration. e.g. Ethiopia (Sanath & team)
Biometrics data generation for evaluation & testing (ABIS/SDK): Real data, Synthetic data (TBA)
Anomaly detection: Identifying irregular patterns during E2E flow. e.g. packet uploaded through an irregular channel (Alan Turing)
Enhanced evaluation algorithms of biometrics: Minutiae-based matcher vs. texture-based matcher (TBA)
Privacy preserving identity using homomorphic encryption: Map it back to MOSIP’s production code (IIITB)
Reference implementations of * SBI IEEE - Draft 1, 2 * OpeNID4VP over BLE - Draft 1, 2 * Specifications for SDK and ABIS * Global ID Credentials Specifications- Draft1 * Credential Issuance and Wallet Onboarding Protocol - Draft 2
Benchmarking tools for * Capture quality * Matcher accuracy * Bias in matchers * Performance and scalability of matcher and ABIS * Match accuracy for contactless captures
Last updated
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