Secure Biometric Interface (SBI), previously called MOSIP Device Service (MDS) specification establishes standards/protocols that are necessary for a biometric device to be used in MOSIP. The MDS specification is primarly intented for biometric device manufactures, developers and designers to build MOSIP compliant devices. All devices that collect biometric data should operate within the specification of this document.
Revision history
Device identity
It is imperative that all devices that connect to MOSIP are identifiable.
Physical ID
An identification mark that shows MOSIP compliance and a readable unique device serial number (minimum of 12 digits), make and model. The same information has to be available over a 2D QR Code or Barcode. This is to help field support and validation.
Digital ID
A Digital ID is represented as JSON:
As printed on Physical ID
Brand name as printed on Physical ID
Model of the device as printed on Physical ID
, Iris
, or Face
Based on type
. See note below
Name of the device provider
Time during the issuance of the request. This is in ISO format.
:Full face
The Digital ID is signed with the JSON Web Signature RFC 7515 using the DKL0 in SBI 1.0 devices and DKL1 in SBI 2.0 devices. This signature would look like this:
Device Service - Communication Interfaces
The section explains the necessary details of the biometric device connectivity, accessibility, discover-ability and protocols used to build and communicate with the device.
The device should implement only the following set of APIs. All the API’s are independent of the physical layer and the operating system, with the invocation being different across operating systems. While the operating system names are defined in this spec a similar technology can be used for unspecified operating systems. It is expected that the device service ensures that the device is connected locally to the host.
Device Discovery
Device discovery would be used to identify MOSIP compliant devices in a system by the applications. The protocol is designed as simple plug and play with all the necessary abstraction to the specifics.
Device Discovery Request
Accepted Values for Device Discovery Request
type - "Biometric Device", "Finger", "Face", "Iris"
"Biometric Device" - is a special type and used in case if you are looking for any biometric device.
Device Discovery Response
Accepted Values for Device Discovery Response
Allowed values are "Ready", "Busy", "Not Ready" or "Not Registered".
Allowed values are "L0" or "L1" based on level of certification.
Version of the MDS specification that is supported.
Internal ID to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
This differs as per the OS.
In case of Linux and windows operating systems it is a HTTP URL.
In the case of android, it is the intent name.
In IOS, it is the URL scheme.
The call back URL takes precedence over future request as a base URL.
Digital ID as per the Digital ID definition but it will not be signed.
A unique code given by MOSIP after successful registration.
Array of supported MDS specification version.
Purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem. Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
Relevant errors as defined under the error section of this document.
Standardized error code defined in the error code section.
Description of the error that can be displayed to end user. Multi lingual support.
The response is an array that we could have a single device enumerating with multiple biometric options.
The service should ensure to respond only if the type parameter matches the type of device or the type parameter is a "Biometric Device".
This response is a direct JSON as show in the response.
All the device API will be based on the HTTP specification. The device always binds to with any of the available ports ranging from 4501 - 4600. The IP address used for binding has to be and not localhost.
The applications that require access to MOSIP devices could discover them by sending the HTTP request to the supported port range. We will call this port as the device_service_port in the rest of the document.
HTTP Request:
HTTP Response:
The pay loads are JSON in both the cases and are part of the body.
CallbackId would be set to the<device_service_port>
. So, the caller will use the respective HTTP verb / method and the URL to call the service.
All devices on an android device should listen to the following intent "io.mosip.device".
Upon invocation of this intent the devices are expected to respond back with the json response filtered by the respective type.
In Android, the CallbackId would be set to the appId. So, the caller will create the intent "appId.Info" or "appId.Capture".
All device on an IOS device would respond to the URL schema as follows:
If a MOSIP compliant device service app exist then the URL would launch the service. The service in return should respond back to the caller using the call-back-app-url with the base64 encoded json as the URL parameter for the key data.
In IOS there are restrictions to have multiple apps registering to the same URL schema.
CallbackId would be set to the device service appname. So, the caller has to call appnameInfo or appnameCapture as the URL scheme.
Device Info
The device information API would be used to identify the MOSIP compliant devices and their status by the applications.
Device Info Request
Accepted Values for Device Info Request
Device Info Response
The final JSON is signed with the JSON web signature using the "Foundational Trust Module" Identity key, this data is the fundamental identity of the device. Every MOSIP compliant device will need the foundational trust module.
So the API would respond in the following format.
Allowed values for Device Info Response
The deviceInfo object is sent as JSON Web Token (JWT).
For device which is not registered, the deviceInfo will be unsigned.
For device which is registered, the deviceInfo will be signed using the device key.
This is the status of the device.
Allowed values are "Ready", "Busy", "Not Ready" or "Not Registered".
Internal Id to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Exact version of the firmware.
In case of L0 this is same as serviceVersion.
Allowed values are "L0" or "L1" based on the level of certification.
Version of the MDS specification that is supported.
Internal ID to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
This differs as per the OS.
In case of Linux and windows operating systems it is a HTTP URL.
In the case of android, it is the intent name.
In IOS, it is the URL scheme.
The call back URL takes precedence over future request as a base URL.
The digital id as per the digital id definition.
For L0 devices which is not registered, the digital id will be unsigned.
For L0 devices which is registered, the digital id will be signed using the device key.
For L1 devices, the digital id will be signed using the FTM key.
The target enviornment.
For devices that are not registered the enviornment is "None".
For device that is registered, then send the enviornment in which it is registered.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
For devices that are not registered the purpose is empty.
Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
Array of supported MDS specification version.
Relevant errors as defined under the error section of this document.
Standardized error code defined in the error code section.
Description of the error that can be displayed to end user. Multi lingual support.
The response is an array that we could have a single device enumerating with multiple biometric options.
The service should ensure to respond only if the type parameter matches the type of device or the type parameter is a "Biometric Device".
The applications that require more details of the MOSIP devices could get them by sending the HTTP request to the supported port range. The device always binds to with any of the available ports ranging from 4501 - 4600. The IP address used for binding has to be and not localhost.
HTTP Request:
HTTP Response:
The pay loads are JSON in both the cases and are part of the body.
On an android device should listen to the following intent "appId.Info".
Upon invocation of this intent the devices are expected to respond back with the JSON response filtered by the respective type.
On an IOS device would respond to the URL schema as follows:
If a MOSIP compliant device service app exist then the URL would launch the service. The service in return should respond back to the called using the call-back-app-url with the base64 encoded JSON as the URL parameter for the key data.
In IOS there are restrictions to have multiple app registering to the same URL schema.
The capture request would be used to capture a biometric from MOSIP compliant devices by the applications. The capture call will respond with success to only one call at a time. So, in case of a parallel call the device info details are sent with status as "Busy".
Capture Request
Count value should be driven by the count of the bioSubType for Iris and Finger. For Face, there will be no bioSubType but the count should be "1".
Allowed Values for Capture Request
The target environment.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
For devices that are not registered the purpose is empty.
Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
Expected version of MDS specification.
Max time the app will wait for the capture.
Its expected that the API will respond back before timeout with the best frame.
All timeouts are in milliseconds.
Time of capture in ISO format.
The time is as per the requesting application.
URI of the authentication server.
This can be used to federate across multiple providers or countries or unions.
Unique Id of the transaction.
This is an internal Id to the application thats providing the service.
Different id should be used for every successful auth.
So even if the transaction fails after auth we expect this number to be unique.
Allowed values are "Finger", "Iris" or "Face".
Number of biometric data that is collected for a given type.
The device should validate and ensure that this number is in line with the type of biometric that's captured.
For Finger: ["Left IndexFinger", "Left MiddleFinger", "Left RingFinger", "Left LittleFinger", "Left Thumb", "Right IndexFinger", "Right MiddleFinger", "Right RingFinger", "Right LittleFinger", "Right Thumb", "UNKNOWN"]
For Iris: ["Left", "Right", "UNKNOWN"]
For Face: No bioSubType
Upon reaching the quality score the biometric device is expected to auto capture the image.
Internal Id to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
For the first capture the previousHash is hash of empty UTF-8 string.
From the second capture the previous captures hash (as hex encoded) is used as input.
This is used to chain all the captures across modalities so all captures have happened for the same transaction and during the same time period.
In case, the device vendor wants to send additional parameters they can use this to send key value pair if necessary.
The values cannot be hard coded and have to be configured by the apps server and should be modifiable upon need by the applications.
Vendors are free to include additional parameters and fine-tuning the process.
None of these values should go undocumented by the vendor.
No sensitive data should be available in the customOpts.
Capture Response
Accepted Values for Capture Response
Version of the MDS specification using which the response was generated.
The data object is sent as JSON Web Token (JWT).
The data block will be signed using the device key.
The digital id as per the digital id definition in JWT format.
For L0 devices, the digital id will be signed using the device key.
For L1 devices, the digital id will be signed using the FTM key.
A unique code given by MOSIP after successful registration
MDS version
Allowed values are "Finger", "Iris" or "Face".
For Finger: ["Left IndexFinger", "Left MiddleFinger", "Left RingFinger", "Left LittleFinger", "Left Thumb", "Right IndexFinger", "Right MiddleFinger", "Right RingFinger", "Right LittleFinger", "Right Thumb", "UNKNOWN"]
For Iris: ["Left", "Right", "UNKNOWN"]
For Face: No bioSubType
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
Allowed values is "Auth".
The target environment.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
URI of the authentication server.
This can be used to federate across multiple providers or countries or unions.
Biometric data is encrypted with random symmetric (AES GCM) key and base-64-URL encoded.
For symmetric key encryption of bioValue, ( XOR transactoinId) is computed and the last 16 bytes and the last 12 bytes of the results are set as the aad and the IV(salt) respectively.
Look at the Authentication document to understand more about the encryption.
Unique transaction id sent in request
Time as per the biometric device.
Note: The biometric device is expected to sync its time from the management server at regular intervals so accurate time could be maintained on the device.
Floating point number to represent the minimum required score for the capture.
Floating point number representing the score for the current capture.
The value of the previousHash attribute in the request object or the value of hash attribute of the previous data block (used to chain every single data block) concatenated with the hex encode sha256 hash of the current data block before encryption.
The session key (used for the encrypting of the bioValue) is encrypted using the MOSIP public certificate with RSA/ECB/OAEPWITHSHA-256ANDMGF1PADDING algorithm and then base64-URL-encoded.
SHA256 representation of thumbprint of the certificate that was used for encryption of session key.
All texts to be treated as uppercase without any spaces or hyphens.
Relevant errors as defined under the error section of this document.
Standardized error code defined in the error code section.
Description of the error that can be displayed to end user. Multi lingual support.
The entire data object is sent in JWT format. So, the data object will look like:
The applications that requires to capture biometric data from a MOSIP devices could do so by sending the HTTP request to the supported port range.
HTTP Request:
HTTP Response:
The pay loads are JSON in both the cases and are part of the body.
All device on an android device should listen to the following intent appid.capture. Upon this intend the devices are expected to respond back with the JSON response filtered by the respective type.
All device on an IOS device would respond to the URL schema as follows.
If a MOSIP compliant device service app exist then the URL would launch the service. The service in return should respond back to the called using the call-back-app-url with the base64 encoded json as the URL parameter for the key data.
Device Stream
The device would open a stream channel to send the live video streams. This would help when there is an assisted operation to collect biometric. Please note the stream API’s are available only for registration environment.
Used only for the registration module compatible devices. This API is visible only for the devices that are registered for the purpose as "Registration".
Device Stream Request
Allowed Values for device Stream Request
Internal Id to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
Max time after which the stream should close.
This is an optional paramter and by default the value will be 5 minutes.
All timeouts are in milliseconds.
Device Stream Response
Live Video stream with quality of 3 frames per second or more using M-JPEG.
Preview should have the quality markings and segment marking. The preview would also be used to display any error message to the user screen. All error messages should be localized.
Error Response for Device Stream
The applications that require more details of the MOSIP devices could get them by sending the HTTP request to the supported port range.
HTTP Request:
HTTP Response: HTTP Chunk of frames to be displayed. Minimum frames 3 per second.
No support for streaming
No support for streaming
Registration Capture
The registration client application will discover the device. Once the device is discovered the status of the device is obtained with the device info API. During the registration the registration client sends the RCAPTURE API and the response will provide the actual biometric data in a digitally signed non encrypted form. When the Device Registration Capture API is called the frames should not be added to the stream. The device is expected to send the images in ISO format.
The requestedScore is in the scale of 1-100. So, in cases where you have four fingers the average of all will be considered for capture threshold. The device would always send the best frame during the capture time even if the requested score is not met.
The API is used by the devices that are compatible for the registration module. This API should not be supported by the devices that are compatible for authentication.
Registration Capture Request
Accepted Values for Registration Capture Request
The target environment.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
For devices that are not registered the purpose is empty.
Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
Expected version of MDS specification.
Max time the app will wait for the capture.
Its expected that the API will respond back before timeout with the best frame.
All timeouts are in milliseconds.
Time of capture in ISO format.
The time is as per the requesting application.
Unique Id of the transaction.
This is an internal Id to the application thats providing the service.
Different id should be used for every successful auth.
So even if the transaction fails after auth we expect this number to be unique.
Allowed values are "Finger", "Iris" or "Face".
Number of biometric data that is collected for a given type.
The device should validate and ensure that this number is in line with the type of biometric that's captured.
Array of bioSubType for respective biometric type.
For Finger: ["Left IndexFinger", "Left MiddleFinger", "Left RingFinger", "Left LittleFinger", "Left Thumb", "Right IndexFinger", "Right MiddleFinger", "Right RingFinger", "Right LittleFinger", "Right Thumb", "UNKNOWN"]
For Iris: ["Left", "Right", "UNKNOWN"]
For Face: No bioSubType
This is an optional parameter.
This is an array and all the exceptions are marked.
In case exceptions are sent for face then follow the exception photo specification above.
For Finger: ["Left IndexFinger", "Left MiddleFinger", "Left RingFinger", "Left LittleFinger", "Left Thumb", "Right IndexFinger", "Right MiddleFinger", "Right RingFinger", "Right LittleFinger", "Right Thumb"]
For Iris: ["Left", "Right"]
Upon reaching the quality score the biometric device is expected to auto capture the image.
Internal Id to identify the actual biometric device within the device service.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
For the first capture the previousHash is hash of empty UTF-8 string.
From the second capture the previous captures hash (as hex encoded) is used as input.
This is used to chain all the captures across modalities so all captures have happened for the same transaction and during the same time period.
In case, the device vendor wants to send additional parameters they can use this to send key value pair if necessary.
The values cannot be hard coded and have to be configured by the apps server and should be modifiable upon need by the applications.
Vendors are free to include additional parameters and fine-tuning the process.
None of these values should go undocumented by the vendor.
No sensitive data should be available in the customOpts.
Registration Capture Response
Allowed Values for Registration Capture Response
Version of the MDS specification using which the response was generated.
The data object is sent as JSON Web Token (JWT).
The data block will be signed using the device key.
Allowed values are "Finger", "Iris" or "Face".
The digital id as per the digital id definition in JWT format.
For L0 devices, the digital id will be signed using the device key.
For L1 devices, the digital id will be signed using the FTM key.
For Finger: ["Left IndexFinger", "Left MiddleFinger", "Left RingFinger", "Left LittleFinger", "Left Thumb", "Right IndexFinger", "Right MiddleFinger", "Right RingFinger", "Right LittleFinger", "Right Thumb", "UNKNOWN"]
For Iris: ["Left", "Right", "UNKNOWN"]
For Face: No bioSubType
MDS Version
The target environment.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
Base64-URL-encoded biometrics (in ISO format)
Unique transaction id sent in request
Time as per the biometric device.
Note: The biometric device is expected to sync its time from the management server at regular intervals so accurate time could be maintained on the device.
Floating point number to represent the minimum required score for the capture.
Floating point number representing the score for the current capture.
The value of the previousHash attribute in the request object or the value of hash attribute of the previous data block (used to chain every single data block) concatenated with the hex encode sha256 hash of the current data block before encryption.
Relevant errors as defined under the error section of this document.
Standardized error code defined in the error code section.
Description of the error that can be displayed to end user. Multi lingual support.
The applications that require more details of the MOSIP devices could get them by sending the HTTP request to the supported port range.
HTTP Request:
HTTP Response: HTTP response.
No support for Registration Capture
No support for Registration Capture
Device Server
The device server exposes two external device APIs to manage devices. These will be consumed from Management Server created by the device provider. Refer to the subsequent section in this document.
The MOSIP server would provide the following device registration API which is white-listed to the management servers of the device provider or their partners.
This API is exposed by the MOSIP server to the device providers.
Version: v1
Device Registration Request URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/registereddevices
Device Registration Request
Accepted Values for Registration Request
The device data object is sent as JSON Web Token (JWT).
The device data block will be signed using the device provider certificate.
Unique device id that the device provider uses to identify the device.
This can also be serial no if the device provider is sure of maintaining the uniqueness across all their devices.
The purpose of the device in the MOSIP ecosystem.
For devices that are not registered the purpose is empty.
Allowed values are "Auth" or "Registration".
The device info object is sent as JSON Web Token (JWT).
The device info block will be signed using the device key.
An array of sub Ids that are supported for the device.
Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
The device sub id could be used to enable a specific module in the scanner appropriate for a biometric capture requirement.
Device sub id is a simple index which always starts with 1 and increases sequentially for each sub device present.
In case of Finger/Iris its 1 for left slap/iris, 2 for right slap/iris and 3 for two thumbs/irises.
The device sub id should be set to 0 if we don't know any specific device sub id (0 is not applicable for fingerprint slap).
The certificate level of the device.
Allowed values are L0 or L1
The digital id as per the digital id definition.
For L0 devices, the digital id will be signed using the device key.
For L1 devices, the digital id will be signed using the FTM key.
Version of the firmware of the device.
Expiry date of the device.
Device will not work post that expiry date and it cannot be registered again.
The timestamp when the request was created.
For device registration the request should reach within 5 mins of this timestamp to MOSIP or the request will be rejected.
Foundation trust provider id whoes chip is in the device.
For L0 device, this is empty.
During the registration of L0 devices please sign using the key thats generated inside the device and send the public key in x509 encoded spec form. After successful registration the management server should issue a certificate against the same public key as a response to the registration call.
The entire device data is sent as a JWT format. So the it will look like:
Payload is the object in deviceData.
The request is signed with the device provider key at the management server.
Device Registration Response
The entire response is sent as a JWT format. So the final response will look like:
Accepted Values in Device Registration Response
The entire response block will be sent in JWT format.
This will be signed by MOSIP using their public signature certificate.
This is the status of the device.
After successful registration the status will sent as "Registered".
This is the same digital ID that was sent in the request.
This is the device code issued by MOSIP server post registration.
This will be in UUID RFC4122 Version 4 format
Once device is registered the device code needs to be set in the device.
This is the timestamp when the device was registered.
This will be in ISO format.
The target environment where the device is registered.
Allowed values are "Staging", "Developer", "Pre-Production" or "Production".
The response should be sent to the device. The device is expected to store the deviceCode within its storage in a safe manner. This device code is used during the capture stage.
The device once registered for a specific purpose can not be changed after successful registration. The device can only be used for that specific mosip process.
The MOSIP server would provide the following device de-registration API which is whitelisted to the management servers of the device provider or their partners.
Version: v1
Device De-Registration Request URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/device/deregister
Device De-Registration Request
The device data in request is sent as a JWT format. So the final request will look like:
Accepted Values for Device De-Registration Request
Device De-Registration Response
The entire response is sent as a JWT format. So the final response will look like:
The MOSIP server would provide the following retrieve encryption certificate API which is white-listed to the management servers of the device provider or their partners.
Retrieve Encryption Certificate Request URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/device/encryptioncertficates
Version: v1
Retrieve Encryption Certificate Request
The request is sent as a JWT format. So the final request will look like:
Accepted Values for Retrieve Certificate Request
Encryption Certificate Response
The entire response is sent as a JWT format. So the final response will look like:
Management Server and Management Client
Management Server Functionalities and Interactions
The management server has the following objectives.
Validate the devices to ensure its a genuine device from the respective device provider. This can be achieved using the device info and the certificates for the Foundational Trust Module.
Register the genuine device with the MOSIP device server.
Manage/Sync time between the end device the server. The time to be synced should be the only trusted time accepted by the device.
Ability to issue commands to the end device for
De-registration of the device (Device Keys)
Collect device information to maintain, manage, support and upgrade a device remotely.
A central repository of all the approved devices from the device provider.
Safe storage of keys using HSM FIPS 140-2 Level 3. These keys are used to issue the device certificate upon registration. The Management Server is created and hosted by the device provider outside of MOSIP software. The communication protocols between the MDS and the Management Server can be decided by the respective device provider. Such communication should be restricted to the above specified interactions only. No transactional information should be sent to this server.
Should have the ability to push updates from the server to the client devices.
As there are no adopter specific information being exchanged at the management server or at the FTM provisioning server, there are no mandates from MOSIP where these are located globally. However the adopter is recommended to have audit and contractual mechanisms to validate the compliance of these components at any point in time.
Management Client
Management client is the interface that connects the device with the respective management server. Its important that the communication between the management server and its clients are designed with scalability, robustness, performance and security. The management server may add many more capabilities than what is described here, But the basic security objectives should be met at all times irrespective of the offerings.
For better and efficient handling of device at large volume, we expect the devices to auto register to the Management server.
All communication to the server and from the server should follow that below properties.
All communication are digitally signed with the approved algorithms
All communication to the server are encrypted using one of the approved public key cryptography (HTTPS – TLS1.2/1.3 is required with one of the approved algorithms.
All request has timestamps attached in ISO format to the milliseconds inside the signature.
All communication back and fourth should have the signed digital id as one of the attribute.
Its expected that the auto registration has an absolute way to identify and validate the devices.
The management client should be able to detect the devices in a plug and play model.
All key rotation should be triggered from the server.
Should have the ability to detect if its speaking to the right management server.
All upgrades should be verifiable and the client should have ability to verify software upgrades.
Should not allow any downgrade of software.
Should not expose any API to capture biometric. The management server should have no ability to trigger a capture request.
No logging of biometric data is allowed. (Both in the encrypted and unencrypted format)
L1 Certified Device / L1 Device - A device certified as capable of performing encryption on the device inside its trusted zone. L0 Certified Device / L0 Device - A device certified as one where the encryption is done on the host inside its device driver or the MOSIP device service.
Secure Provisioning
Secure provisioning is applicable to both the FTM and the Device providers.
The devices and FTM should have a mechanism to protect against fraudulent attempts to create or replicate.
The device and FTM trust should be programmed in a secure facility which is certified by the respective MOSIP adopters.
Organization should have mechanism to segregate the FTM's and Devices built for MOSIP using cryptographically valid and repeatable process.
All debug options within the FTM or device should be disabled permanently
All key creations need for provisioning should happen automatically using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher devices. No individual or a group or organization should have mechanism to influence this behavior.
Before the devices/FTM leaving the secure provisioning facility all the necessary trust should be established and should not be re-programmable.
As there are no adopter specific information being exchanged at the management server or at the FTM provisioning server, there are no mandates from MOSIP where these are located globally. However the adopter is recommended to have audit and contractual mechanisms to validate the compliance of these components at any point in time.
Compliance Level
Device Discovery
Device Info
Registration Capture
Supported algorithms:
Encryption of biometrics - Session Key
No storage, Key is created with TRNG/DRBG inside FTM
Encryption session key data outside of FTM
FTM trusted memory
Encryption session key data outside of FTM
ECC curve 25519
FTM trusted memory
Biometric Signature
Key never leaves FTM created and destroyed
Biometric Signature
ECC curve 25519
Key never leaves FTM created and destroyed
Secure Boot
FTM trusted memory
Secure Boot
ECC curve 25519
FTM trusted memory
No other ECC curves supported.
In all the above APIs, some of the requests and responses are signed with various keys to verify the requester's authenticity. Here we have detailed the key used for signing a particular block in a request or response body of various APIs.
Device Discovery Response
Device Info
NA as it will not be signed
Device Discovery Response
Digital ID
NA as it will not be signed
Device Info Response
Device Info
NA in case of unregistered device
Device Key in case of registered device
Device Info Response
Digital ID
For L0 device using device key
For L1 device using FTM chip key
Capture Response
Device key is used
Capture Response
Digital ID
FTM chip key is used
Registration Capture Response
Device key is used
Registration Capture Response
Digital ID
For L0 device using device key
For L1 device using FTM chip key
Device Registration Request
Device Data
Device Provider certificate is used
Device Registration Request
Device Info
Device key is used
Device Registration Request
Digital ID
For L0 device using device key
For L1 device using FTM chip key
Device De-registration Request
Device Provider certificate is used
Device Registration Response
MOSIP Signature certificate is used
Device Registration Response
Digital ID
Should be same as request
Device De-registration Response
MOSIP Signature certificate is used
Error Codes
Device not registered
Unable to detect a biometric object
Technical error during extraction.
Device tamper detected
Unable to connect to management server
Image orientation error
Device not found
Device public key expired
Domain public key missing
Requested number of biometric (Finger/IRIS) not supported
Custom errors. The device provider is free to choose his error code and error messages.
Last updated
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